Peter Schiff responds to the results of the "Save Our Swiss Gold" initiative this past weekend. He explains why he thinks it is bullish for gold and might have even marked gold's bottom.
0:17 – “Save Our Swiss Franc” would have been a more accurate description of the Swiss gold initiative.
0:59 – Switzerland used to have more than 40% of its reserves in gold and was very prosperous.
1:47 – The Swiss gold initiative was a threat to the powers-that-be, because it limited the ability of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to create inflation
2:35 – If the initiative had passed, Switzerland would have been an example of a strong economy in a sea of European inflation.
3:34 – How is it crazy to have only 20% of your assets in gold, but sensible to have 100% of your assets in fiat currencies?
4:30 – The Swiss originally didn’t want to adopt the euro, but now they’ve embraced a de facto euro standard.
5:30 – Gold and silver dropped dramatically after the vote, which was surprising since no one had really expected the initiative to pass.
6:23 – Gold and silver recovered their losses quickly once the United States started trading.
7:10 – Peter believes the “no” vote is more bullish for the long-term price of gold.
7:43 – If the Swiss had adopted the referendum, it would have slowed down Swiss money printing and Swiss inflation.
8:28 – When the world realizes the United States is going to return to quantitative easing, the Swiss franc will no longer be a safe-haven option. This would mean greater demand for gold.
9:36 – If the SNB won’t be buying gold on behalf of its people, the Swiss will buy gold individually to protect their purchasing power.
10:49 – Looking at historical actions of central banks, there’s a chance that gold’s low price on Sunday could end up being gold’s bottom.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
Jekyll Island - The Truth Behind the Federal Reserve
Yekra Player
Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.
Jekyll Island
In this powerful, eye-opening film, investigative journalist and award-winning filmmaker Bill Still (“The Money Masters” and “The Secret of Oz”) unravels the secretive 1913 formation of the privately owned Federal Reserve and the creation of National Debt by Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and representatives of J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., at Jekyll Island in Georgia, USA . Still reveals the greatest rip-off in history: the real ways in which money and debt are created and controlled. Jekyll Island argues the case that economic depressions are abnormal, that nations across the globe do not need national debt, and that governments are not printing too much money, but borrowing wildly. In the face of mounting debts and a reduction in the standards of living worldwide, he explains that those who are profiting from this crippling financial problem, want us, the public, to remain confused about what money really is and how it was created. However, Jekyll Island’s good news is the claim that we can fix this global problem, without wars or a revolution; just a clear understanding of the problem and its surprisingly simple solution.
Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.
Jekyll Island
In this powerful, eye-opening film, investigative journalist and award-winning filmmaker Bill Still (“The Money Masters” and “The Secret of Oz”) unravels the secretive 1913 formation of the privately owned Federal Reserve and the creation of National Debt by Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and representatives of J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., at Jekyll Island in Georgia, USA . Still reveals the greatest rip-off in history: the real ways in which money and debt are created and controlled. Jekyll Island argues the case that economic depressions are abnormal, that nations across the globe do not need national debt, and that governments are not printing too much money, but borrowing wildly. In the face of mounting debts and a reduction in the standards of living worldwide, he explains that those who are profiting from this crippling financial problem, want us, the public, to remain confused about what money really is and how it was created. However, Jekyll Island’s good news is the claim that we can fix this global problem, without wars or a revolution; just a clear understanding of the problem and its surprisingly simple solution.
In this powerful, eye-opening film, investigative journalist and award-winning filmmaker Bill Still (The Money Masters and The Secret of Oz) unravels the secretive 1913 formation of the privately owned Federal Reserve and the creation of National Debt by Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and representatives of J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., at Jekyll Island in Georgia, USA.
Still reveals the greatest rip-off in history: the real ways in which money and debt are created and controlled. Jekyll Island argues the case that economic depressions are abnormal, that nations across the globe do not need national debt, and that governments are not printing too much money, but borrowing wildly. In the face of mounting debts and a reduction in the standards of living worldwide, he explains that those who are profiting from this crippling financial problem, want us, the public, to remain confused about what money really is and how it was created. However, Jekyll Island’s good news is the claim that we can fix this global problem, without wars or a revolution; just a clear understanding of the problem and its surprisingly simple solution.
Bill Still, Jekyll Island, Money Masters
#billstill #jekyllisland #moneymasters
economics, economics news
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bill still,
Jekyll Island,
money masters,
The Truth Behind the Federal Reserve
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Jim Rickards Death of Money
Jim Rickards interview on the World economy and the death of the current fiat monetary system.
We’re in a global depression. There’s a slow down in Japan, China, Europe and the U.S. — the whole world is in a global depression.
There’s enough fights to go around, but in a fight between the ECB (European Central Bank) and Germany, Germany wins. The ECB is only doing $2.5 billion worth of asset buying, while the FED has been doing almost $1 trillion a year.
So the ECB is going through the motions but they’re not doing anything like QE. They’re not buying soveirgn debt.
They’re buying some asset-backed securities, but there aren’t even enough of those to have much of an impact.
The ECB’s Mario Draghi is the best Central Banker in the world.
He understands that Central Banks are essentially impotent. When you’re impotent you have to talk a good game — so Draghi says little and does less.
The U.S. FED is the opposite. They don’t understand how impotent they.
We’re in a global depression. There’s a slow down in Japan, China, Europe and the U.S. — the whole world is in a global depression.
There’s enough fights to go around, but in a fight between the ECB (European Central Bank) and Germany, Germany wins. The ECB is only doing $2.5 billion worth of asset buying, while the FED has been doing almost $1 trillion a year.
So the ECB is going through the motions but they’re not doing anything like QE. They’re not buying soveirgn debt.
They’re buying some asset-backed securities, but there aren’t even enough of those to have much of an impact.
The ECB’s Mario Draghi is the best Central Banker in the world.
He understands that Central Banks are essentially impotent. When you’re impotent you have to talk a good game — so Draghi says little and does less.
The U.S. FED is the opposite. They don’t understand how impotent they.
economics, economics news
Death of Money,
economics policy,
economics theory,
great depression,
Jim Rickards,
Jim Rickards Death of Money,
monetary policy
Washington, DC, USA
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Interview With Jim Rickards - Inflation, China, Gold - October 10th, 2014
Interview With Jim Rickards - Inflation, China, Gold - October 10th, 2014
an exciting audio interview with James G. Rickards, New York Times best selling author, Fund Manager with the West Shore Group, and advisor to the Physical Gold Fund.
October 2014 Interview with Jim Rickards topics:
*Decline in labor force participation has hit a 4 decade low
*Yellens primary indicator is real wage growth
*Why the overall economy is weak
*Accuracy of Government Statistics
*Update on China
*Hacking and Asymmetric Cyber-Warfare
*The new M.A.D. is mutually assured financial destruction
*Why it makes sense to allocate to hard assets
*Why the next financial collapse will be exponentially larger than the last one
*The End Game, Part II
economics, economics news
Jim Rickards,
Jim Rickards china,
Jim Rickards economics,
Jim Rickards economics theory,
Jim Rickards interview
London, UK
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Ted Butler: Silver Nightmare Will Soon Be Over
Ted Butler breaks down what happened to the silver price recently
Halloween couldn't have been more terrifying for silver investors. The gray metal cracked under $16/oz on Friday, a price not seen for nearly half a decade.
For years now, it's seemed like silver was beaten up so badly its price couldn't go lower. But then it would.
Why has silver been beaten down so badly? (now down 2/3 compared to it's high in late 2011). And will it ever see brighter days again?
This weekend, Chris has a long discussion with silver expert Ted Butler on the real culprit behind the wild price slams that have plagued silver: unfairly concentrated positions within the derivatives market.
JP Morgan, corruption, silver manipulation, banks, commercials, physical delivery, short squeeze
Halloween couldn't have been more terrifying for silver investors. The gray metal cracked under $16/oz on Friday, a price not seen for nearly half a decade.
For years now, it's seemed like silver was beaten up so badly its price couldn't go lower. But then it would.
Why has silver been beaten down so badly? (now down 2/3 compared to it's high in late 2011). And will it ever see brighter days again?
This weekend, Chris has a long discussion with silver expert Ted Butler on the real culprit behind the wild price slams that have plagued silver: unfairly concentrated positions within the derivatives market.
JP Morgan, corruption, silver manipulation, banks, commercials, physical delivery, short squeeze
#JPMorgan, #corruption, #silvermanipulation, #banks, #commercials, #physicaldelivery, #shortsqueeze #nakedshorting #bankrun #bullionbankrun
economics, economics news
bullion banks,
economics theory,
futures exchage,
Monday, October 27, 2014
China Launches New World Bank Rival
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China Launches New World Bank |
China and India are backing a 21 country $100 billion Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to challenge to the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.
Memorandum of understanding were signed with 21 Asian countries in Beijing Friday. Australia, Indonesia and South Korea were absent following hidden pressure from Washington.
The development bank was proposed a year ago by Chinese President Xi Jinping, and is to offer financing for infrastructure projects in underdeveloped Asian countries.
Headquartered in Beijing, former chairman of the China International Capital Corp investment bank Jim Liqun, is expected to take a leading role.
The bank will initially be capitalized with $50 billion, most of it contributed by China. The country is planning to increase authorized capital to $100 billion. With that amount the AIIB would be two-thirds the size of the $175 billion Asian Development Bank.
India will be the second largest bank shareholder though Kuwait, Qatar, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Nepal, Oman, and all the countries of the Association of Southeast Asia, except Indonesia are involved.
Australia, Indonesia and South Korea did not participate following US claims of ‘concerns’ about a rival to Western-dominated multilateral lenders.
Japan, China's main rival in Asia, which dominates the Asian Development Bank along with the United States, did not attend but had not been expected to do so.
Indonesia refused to participate claiming it needs time to discuss China’s proposal.
The Australian Financial Review said US Secretary of State John Kerry had personally asked Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to “steer clear” from joining AIIB.
"Australia has been under pressure from the US for some time to not become a founding member of the bank and it is understood Mr. Kerry put the case directly to the prime minister when the pair met in Jakarta on Monday following the inauguration of Indonesian President Joko Widodo," the paper said.
South Korea, one of America’s closest allies in Asia, is alse prevaricating. Its finance ministry said it spoke with China to request more time to consider details such as the AIIB's governance and operational principles.
US officials have said they do not want to support an initiative Washington thinks is unlikely to promote good environmental, procurement and human rights standards in the way the World Bank and ADB are required to do.
But Chinese officials are convinced the American opposition is an attempt to contain the global rise of China and its ambition to remain the dominant power in Asia.
“You could think of this as a basketball game in which the US wants to set the duration of the game, the size of the court, the height of the basket and everything else to suit itself,” Wei Jianguo, a former Chinese commerce minister, told the Financial Times.
Matthew Goodman, scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC believes the initiatives of a BRICS Bank and AIIB “represent the first serious institutional challenge to the global economic order.”
Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said the AIIB will set high standards, safeguard policies and improve on bureaucratic, unrealistic and irrelevant policies, according to the Xinhua news agency.
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china launches new world bank,
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world bank news
Beijing, Beijing, China
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Australia 'at the Front' of Growing Subprime Mortgage Market
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Australia 'at the Front' of Growing Subprime Mortgage Market |
They triggered an economic meltdown in the United States and sparked the global financial crisis, but subprime mortgages are staging a revival in Australia.
Ratings agency Moody's says Australian lenders have doled out $3 billion worth of the non-conforming home loans over the last 18 months.
Prime mortgages are those that typically go to people with good credit scores, secure jobs and existing, well-serviced loans.
Moody's analyst Robert Baldi says non-conforming, or subprime, borrowers tend to have patchier personal financial histories.
"We're looking at things like prior bankruptcies or prior defaults in their credit history past," he explained.
"If the borrower is a non-resident, for example, or it's a jumbo loan, these would all fall outside of the lenders' mortgage insurance criteria and would classify the loan as non-conforming."
Essentially, subprime loans are those going to borrowers with a much higher risk of default that a typical loan.
Australia 'out at the front' of subprime market
While subprime remains something of dirty word in the economies hardest hit by the GFC, Australian lenders are increasingly willing to step up and fund subprime loans by selling what are known as residential mortgage backed securities (RMBS).
"Australia is out there at the front of the market, I would say, so we are the ones that have continued with issuance in this space," Mr Baldi said.
"Since the beginning of 2013, we've seen 10 new transactions in the RMBS market from non-conforming issuers and that's totalled about $3 billion, so that's quite a pick up in volume considering the market did shut down post the crisis in 2008."
While $3 billion sounds like a large amount of money, Mr Baldi says it is a relatively small share of the home loan market, and of RMBS issuance.
"In the year to date we saw roughly about $15 billion of RMBS transactions. Of that, about $1 billion was non-conforming, so we'd say about 7 per cent of issuance this year has been from the non-conforming market," he added.
Moody's says most of these loans are being written by non-bank lenders.
However, Mr Baldi is confident that there is enough regulation in place to avoid a subprime crash similar to that in the US in 2008.
"One of those is the National Consumer Credit Protection Act, and this basically requires lenders to take reasonable steps to verify a borrower's financial position and their ability to repay the loan," he said.
"Essentially this gets around the fact that in the US you saw those loans being written to borrowers pre-2008 with little to no income verification. In Australia that just can't happen."
The United States is still managing the fallout from its subprime crisis.
Last week, finance powerhouse Bank of America Merrill Lynch agreed to an almost $US17 billion settlement for its role in the crisis.
Australia's biggest danger in prime mortgages
Despite that history, banking analyst Martin North sees Australia's non-conforming market as much safer.
"Most of the investors now, the people who are buying these mortgage-backed securities, are now Australian investors rather than overseas investors," he said.
"So there is a bit of a feedback loop going on, and that does mean that some of the other players who might be buying those securitised loans now are essentially home-based rather than offshore-based."
Mr North says the subprime segment of Australia's market is so small that it is unlikely to destabilise the financial system, even if a lot of the loans go bad.
However, he says Australia's banks, households and the economy in general is too heavily reliant on real estate.
"This is a very small proportion of a much bigger question about leverage into property," he warned.
"We have a massively leveraged financial services system into property more broadly.
"If we have the sorts of defaults we're talking about in the non-conforming sector, then you would also be having, I think, similar defaults more broadly across the market, and it's those broader defaults across the market that would be of much more concern rather than the non-conforming element, which I think is quite small and quite isolated."
Canadian Maple Leaf Redesigned with Advanced Security Features
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Canadian Maple Leaf Redesigned with Advanced Security Features |
All One Ounce (1oz) 99.99% pure Canadian Maple Leaf Bullion coins produced for 2014 and beyond will have two new and unique features for enhanced security.
The new finish is formed of complex radial lines and a micro-engraved laser mark. The radial lines have been precisely machined to within microns on the master tooling to ensure consistent die production and coin striking.
The specific width and pitch of the lines radiating from the coin’s central maple leaf design create a light-diffracting pattern which is unique to the Mint’s “next generation” SML and unmatched by both competing bullion products and, we would assume, counterfeiters.
With the addition of a laser-produced micro-engraving of a textured maple leaf incorporating the numeral “14” to denote the coin’s year of issue – a technology also found on the Mint’s Gold Maple Leaf bullion coin and its award-winning 2012 $1 and $2 circulation coins
First hitting the market in 1988, the Royal Canadian Mint's iconic Silver Maple Leaf 10z bullion coin has been a huge hit with equally huge sales, second only the the American Silver Eagle. In it’s first 25 years of being on sale, the design has remained the same, except for the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse which is on it’s third incarnation. The Canadian Maple Leaf is minted with one troy ounce (31.11 grams) of 9999 fine silver, and has a face value of $5, the highest face value on the market for any comparable silver bullion coin. Now, they’ve totally redesigned the reverse with added security features and it’s a huge improvement in our opinion.
Visit the Royal Canadian Mint
Saturday, February 8, 2014
JP Morgan Holds Highest Amount Of Physical Silver In History
While everyone is focused on the massive outflows in COMEX registered gold inventories and the gold ETF, GLD, it seems that an important evolution in silver is passing unnoticed. In what follows, Ted Butler, precious metals analyst specialized in COT analysis, reveals a remarkable insight in the physical silver market.
Butler’s calculations show that JPMorgan (NYSE:JPM) has piled up the largest holding of physical silver in modern world. Since the silver price peak in May 2011, the bank has accumulated between 100 and 200 million ounces of physical silver (if not more). The equivalent in metric tonnes is between 3,110 and 6,220 tonnes.
To put that number in perspective, it surpasses the amounts held by the Hunt Brothers or Warren Buffett (in his investment company Berkshire Hathaway).
On a yearly basis, some 100 million ounces of silver reach the investment market, which translates into 250 million ounces between May 2011 and December 2013. That has a value of approximately $5 billion. Given the size of the too-big-to-fail bank, that amount of silver, how large it may seem, is easily affordable:
JP Morgan’s quarterly profit is $5 billion (approximately 200 million ounces of silver).
In 2013, the closing of the gold short position, as well as the 20,000 contract reduction in the silver short position, netted JPM more than $3 billion.
In COMEX silver, JPM was the largest buyer in 2013.
These facts make it reasonable for JPM to be a big buyer in physical silver.
JP Morgan knows the financial markets better than anyone else. It is no coincidence that the bank is (ab)using that knowledge to their own benefit. Evidence of that lies in the record number of penalties for which they have been accused because of market manipulation.
Butler explains that JPM was able to accumulate so much silver without being noticed through the big silver ETF, SLV. In his weekly commentaries to his premium subscribers, he has explained on numerous occasions that the physical silver holdings in SLV have been largely intact on a net basis, but there was a large “churn” in the holdings, which allows for a large buyer to go unnoticed. For instance, 60 million oz were liquidated in the two months after the price smash in May 2011; they were right away absorbed by a big buyer. The data are available on this site
Furthermore, the conclusion that JPM has been the big buyer in physical silver is confirmed by the following facts:
The growth of metal in the JPM COMEX silver warehouse over the past three years was 45 million oz.
The recent delivery stopped by the bank in December/January COMEX deliveries was 15 million oz.
JPM, being a master in manipulating financial markets, has also (ab)used their ability to set the silver price in the leveraged paper COMEX market, while simultaneously benefiting from lower prices to accumulate the physical metal.
“Causing the price of silver to be depressed via a concentrated short position on the COMEX along with the ability to crush prices in an HFT second, to then scooping up physical metal (and covering paper shorts) at the self-created depressed prices.
What this also highlights is the madness and illegality of having the paper price on the COMEX setting the price in the physical market. If JPM hadn’t been capable of rigging silver prices lower in 2013, it would never have been able to buy back 100 million ounces of short paper contracts and buy many tens of millions of physical silver as well.”
The underlying motive for JPM to accumulate such a large amount of silver is most likely related to the fact that the bank was on the wrong side of the market when the silver price exploded.
When silver went through its historic rally in March and April 2011, the weekly COT data indicated that speculators did not rush into COMEX futures, which means that the peak in the silver price was not driven by speculation in silver futures. On the other hand, there was buying in the big silver ETFs, including record short selling in SLV.
“So, if it was not highly leveraged speculative paper buying on the COMEX that drove silver prices to the peak, it had to be buying in the physical market (including the ETFs). Therein resides my conviction that we were on the cusp of the first wholesale physical silver shortage in history in April 2011. And clearly it was the investment side of silver’s unique dual physical demand (investment/industrial) that pushed prices higher, as there was no great rush by industrial users into physical silver.
JPM was on the wrong side of the silver market: neither the total commercial net short position nor the concentrated short position of the four largest shorts (including JPM) increased in any way and, in fact, both began to decline in April. This implies that speculators, particularly the technical funds, not only didn’t add to long positions, but reduced long positions on the $15 price jump from March 1, 2011.”
What does this indicate? The explanation that makes most sense is that JPM realized that it was on the wrong side of the trade, after having discovered how tight the physical silver market was. Consequently, the bank had to crush the silver price with their HFT tricks in order to reverse the trend. By doing so, JPM could regain control over the silver market.
Meantime, JPM has built the longest position in physical silver in recorded history. It holds its grip on the silver price through its short corner in COMEX silver.
Ted Butler has written time and time again that the extent to which JPM adds new short contracts on the next silver rally will determine the strength of the rally. Simply put – if JPM doesn’t add new short positions, the manipulation is over. Someday, JPM won’t add to silver short positions and they, more than anyone else, will be best positioned to realize massive gains.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Are Gold and Silver Prices ‘Manipulated’, or Not?
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It is unlikely that gold and silver prices are not ‘manipulated’, given that every other market is – but the question really is whether governments and central banks are part of the process, or not. |
There remains a debate over whether gold and silver prices are ‘manipulated’, although perhaps the debate should actually be are the prices manipulated by central banks, governments and the major investment banks in an attempt to control (suppress) prices.
In truth, of course gold and silver markets are manipulated – as is virtually every other market on the planet. It’s really a question of how one defines manipulation. Short selling, or concerted buying, by big money, particularly through the use of High Frequency Trading, of any stock or commodity could be considered attempted manipulation and no-one doubts this goes on the whole time in virtually any market or stock one cares to name.
It’s part of the modern financial system and however one looks at it, it probably should be considered at the very least unethical, if not, in some cases, illegal, although market regulators turn a blind eye. It gives market advantage to big money which the average investor cannot hope to counter and thus creates a far from level playing field hugely in favour of the major institutions – or at least those with big money at their disposal. That’s how the rich get richer.
However that’s not really the debate with gold, and to a lesser extent its less costly sibling, silver which just tends to move in exaggerated concert with gold. Here we enter the realms of global power plays because of the historical significance of gold as the ultimate measure of wealth, for an individual – and even more so for a nation. Gold is perceived everywhere, much as Western economists may deny it, or disapprove of it, as being the yardstick against which key currencies are measured. Rising gold prices in any currency are not real increases. It is the declining value of currencies against the golden constant which is the reality.
Now governments and the central banks do not like the weaknesses of their currencies being emphasised for all to see by their depreciations in terms of gold and, so the argument goes, they may do their utmost to prevent the gold price rising outside certain controlled parameters.
Indeed if they can actually cause the gold price to dip that is a job particularly well done. Now arguably, back in the northern summer of 2012, gold looked to be in danger of breaking out hugely upwards, only to see a subsequent series of price reversals bringing it back, at one time, around 40% from its high point.
This is not seen by the gold bulls and entities like GATA, as just a bubble bursting and extreme profit taking by the investment community, but they attribute more sinister motives to the recent price pattern and see governments, central banks and their major investment banking allies as acting in concert behind the falls. And given that governments and central banks openly ‘manipulate’ currency exchange rates to meet their perceived requirements in the global marketplace, if one looks at gold as a currency then it is perhaps inconceivable that these entities are not involved in attempts to move the gold price in a direction which suits them and their global financial policies.
Some of the arguments on governmental and central bank involvement in the control of the gold price have been superbly laid out in a recent article called Gold Manipulation 101 by Bill Holter of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Specialists. Holter notes in particular that he has explained over his career many times “why” gold would surely be manipulated and that the Fed (and other foreign central banks) would be foolish not to try to suppress the price. Gold is THE main competitor to fiat currency, an exploding price is like a neon sign advertising policy failure and currency flaws, as Paul Volcker once said, “It was a mistake to let gold get away from us.” And then goes on to explain exactly how this price suppression was achieved in the past and how it is today.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s the process of keeping the gold price under control – once the gold window had been opened – before which gold had effectively been at a fixed price – was handled by the London Gold Pool where physical gold was sold on the London Market so as to meet any excess demand until gold stockpiles were depleted to the extent that this control could no longer be achieved and the price then spiked up to $850 in 1980.
The problem then became how to supply gold to meet any excess demand and thus get, and keep, prices under control again. This appears to have been done by persuading the major gold producers to forward hedge their gold sales to protect their profits going forwards which effectively brought, as Holter puts it, 1,000′s of tons of gold “forward” for sale and on to the market. It had not been mined yet but the true intent and result was to place excess supply (which had not even been mined) onto the market to depress the gold price. Some see this as collusion by the gold miners in gold price suppression although, in our view, it was slick salesmanship by the bullion banks which handled the forward sales contracts.
Indeed the hedging, and eventual gold price recovery, after the ‘Brown Bottom’ of 1999-2002 which saw the low point in the gold price as the U.K. sold half its gold reserves under the Chancellorship of Gordon Brown (later to become the UK’s Prime Minister), accompanied by rising costs, that led to the demise of some gold miners – notably Ashanti Gold Mines which had to be rescued, by being swallowed up, by AngloGold.
But the gold price started recovering. The gold ETFs were launched which diverted much needed investment away from the gold producers into the Funds – latterly a major source of physical gold helping suppress the markets as continued adverse gold publicity fed to the media pushed the ETF investors into equities,
But, in the interim COMEX trading and paper gold took precedence as the prime manipulation tool with vast volumes of paper gold being pushed onto the futures market as gold looked to be starting to take off again which, in conjunction with High Frequency Trading (HFT), contributed to a number of flash crashes in the market, usually taking place out of U.S. trading hours when markets were thin. Some of these flash crashes were major with huge numbers of contracts being sold with the very obvious intent of triggering other HFT stop loss sales and thus creating huge downward spikes in the markets. These also had the effect of driving further sales out of the ETFs and thus adding physical gold supply into the equation.
Finally Holter points to the last and longest lasting method to manipulate gold’s price has been the “leasing” of central bank metal. This, Holter reckons, arose from the 1996 U.S. ‘strong dollar’ policy which meant somehow keeping the gold price down and at this point Central Bank gold leasing was introduced whereby Central Banks could lease out their gold at a ridiculously low rate to a bullion bank, while the latter could sell the gold on and invest the proceeds at a far higher rate in ‘safe’ government bonds.
A no-brainer for the banks – and because the gold was leased, not sold, has enabled the central banks to retain the gold in their books as it is a loan. Much of the gold sold though has been converted into jewellery – or found its way into other strong hands - and as the gold price has risen, while physical metal remains in short supply, it seems unlikely that the gold can actually be returned to the central banks in physical form. (Hence the speculation as to why it is taking seven years for Germany to get its 700 tonnes of gold back from the central bank depositories in the U.S. and France).
As Holter concudes, Any and all of this could be proven beyond any doubt and the perpetrators brought to justice and jailed within just a few days. There is a paper trail for all of this and the Justice department would have slam dunks all over the place…but there is a small problem. They can’t (and won’t) prosecute “themselves” because ALL of these schemes had one goal in mind, suppress the price of gold. This is exactly the “unofficial”…official policy.
This is the theory of the actual practice behind gold price manipulation (suppression) by governments and central banks and their allies in the financial hierarchy. There are still many deniers out there who put the strange gold price flash crashes of the past two years down to market forces, but the access to the kinds of funds necessary to perpetrate them does, in our minds, suggest that there are indeed other factors at play here than purely banking and fund financial ones.
Of course there are other factors in the equation now, which will ultimately see any suppression scheme fail long term, but may just lead to other forms of manipulation elsewhere for political advantage.
As we have pointed out in these pages a number of times recently, Chinese demand is almost capable on its own of absorbing the total of global new mine production and thus, along with other gold purchasing nations demand for physical metal by strong holders seems to be exceeding global supply.
This means less and less physical gold availability in the West which ultimately has to diminish the capability of those trying to control the gold price to do so – particularly as outflows from the ETFs slow down. But then we may just be seeing a transfer of gold price manipulation capabilities from West to East and who knows what that might bring in terms of pricing. Gold is significant enough in its global financial position for someone to want to control it – it just depends who will have the future financial muscle to do so – and what their agenda might be.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Fed Playbook, 2014 Game Plan All Set for Yellen
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Janet Yellen - the New Federal Reserve Chairman |
With the playbook already written and the 2014 game plan in place, Janet Yellen is poised to become quarterback of the U.S. economy.
On Monday, the full Senate is scheduled to vote on Yellen’s nomination to succeed Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke as head of the central bank. Her approval needs a simple majority of the Senate’s 100 members and she is expected to easily surpass that.
The playbook for the coming year basically consists of one play: scaling back, or tapering, the Fed’s monthly bond purchases, a program known as quantitative easing.
The game plan will depend on the economy. If the data continue to steadily strengthen, the Fed, as it announced last month, will gradually taper its asset purchases at intervals of $10 billion a month until the program expires later this year.
The playbook seems fairly rigid. The Fed in 2013 had telegraphed for months its intention to start scaling back its easy-money policies through a gradual tapering because that method would have the least impact on the broader economy.
Raising the key fed fund interest rate is still off the table for the foreseeable future.
The game plan needs to be flexible, however, capable of shifting in accordance with data from key sectors such as labor, housing and manufacturing. So if labor markets dramatically improve or decline, the Fed can adjust its tapering policy on the fly, increasing or decreasing the rate at which it moves away from quantitative easing.
Careful, Cautious, Measured Fed Policy
“It’s going to be a very careful Fed policy,” said Cliff Waldman, a senior economist for the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI), a public policy and economics research organization in Arlington, Va.
Waldman predicted that the first year of tapering, which will coincide with Yellen’s first year as Fed chair, will be “cautious and measured.”
“We are in unchartered waters,” he said. “The Fed did during this crisis what it didn’t do during the Great Depression, and that’s a good thing. But there’s zero historical precedent for what’s going on and we’re still in a post-crisis world. The Fed realizes there are still landmines out there.”
Rising interest rates, an inevitable result of tapering, probably won’t have much impact on large U.S. manufacturers such as IBM (IBM), Parker-Hannifin (PH), Ingersoll-Rand (IR) and Sauer–Danfoss (SHS), Waldman explained.
Big, multi-national companies aren’t likely to see their borrowing costs rise very much, he said, because they’ve already established solid credit track records. Smaller manufacturers – and small businesses as a whole – will feel more of an impact because its riskier for banks to loan them money.
Most forecasters believe the U.S. economy will continue to slowly gain momentum in 2014, which will allow a Yellen-led Fed to stick to the playbook established in late 2013 under Bernanke.
Broad Fundamentals Solid
Gus Faucher, an economist with PNC Financial Services Group, said broad economic fundamentals -- consumer balance sheets, corporate profitability, government finances -- have solidified in recent years and should follow that trend in 2014.
“The imbalances that caused the recession have corrected themselves. What that means is that the economy is strong enough to continue to expand even with the tapering,” Faucher said.
Tapering’s impact on the housing sector should prove something of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, reducing the Fed’s monthly bond purchases of Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities will force mortgage rates higher. That could push some prospective buyers out of the market and decrease overall home sales.
That might not be such a bad thing, however. The most recent S&P Case-Shiller home price index for October rose by nearly 14% year-over-year, the largest gain since the collapse of the U.S. housing market in 2008 and stoking concerns of another bubble.
Faucher said that rate isn’t sustainable and that higher mortgage rates “will take a little steam out of the price growth.” He’s predicting a year-over-year home price increase of about 5% between now and 2015.
“That’s a sustainable pace, roughly in pace with income growth,” Faucher said. “Housing won’t become unaffordable, we won’t see a bubble.”
Instead of tapering having an impact on labor markets and job growth, it will be the other way around, said Greg McBride, senior financial analyst at
Increased Stock Market Volatility
In other words, if job growth accelerates and the headline unemployment rate falls sharply the Fed might consider accelerating its tapering program. Conversely, if labor markets hit another rough patch the Fed could slow the pace of tapering.
McBride sees stock market volatility spiking with tapering. All of the major stock indexes have soared for five years under the Fed’s easy-money policies. The Dow Jones Industrial average and broader S&P 500 index have both surpassed levels achieved prior to the 2008 financial crisis and both ended 2013 at record highs.
McBride doesn’t see that upward trajectory ending. Indeed, he believes stocks will end higher in 2015 than they began this year. He just sees stocks zigzagging more often as traders respond to the beginning-of-the-end of easy money.
“I think the market will end higher than it started but it will be a bumpy ride,” McBride said. “The market is going to have to recalibrate from the impetus of easy money and return to a focus on fundamentals, namely top line revenue growth and profit growth.”
economics, economics news
economics news,
economics theory,
fed tapering,
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federal reserve janet yellen,
janet yellen,
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Washington, DC, USA
Friday, January 3, 2014
PPCoin (Peer Coin) - Crypto Currency
PPC Specifications:
- Blocks every 10 min
- Coin supply* non-deterministic coins will be available
- Difficulty adjustment each block
- Hashing algorithm SHA-256
- Reward varies on difficulty coins per block
PPCoin works with Stake/Proof-of-Stake, this is a term referring to the use of the currency itself to achieve certain goals.
PPCoin uses proof-of-stake to provide minting and transaction processing of place of proof-of-work. Unlike Bitcoin ppcoin does not require the use of energy to sustain the network. Proof-of-work currently remains the most practical way of providing initial minting of a cryptocurrency so it was decided to keep it as part of the hybrid design.
Untill v0.2, central checkpointing was a critical part of the protocol. The main purpose of this is to defend the network during the growth period and to ensure a smooth upgrade path if any critical vulnerabilities are found. Central checkpointing will slowly be weakened and should eventually removed from the coin.
Unlike Bitcoin there is no hard cap on the amount of coins that will be created. Bitcoin is limited to 21 million coins where PPCoin only has a hard cap of 2 billion coin in the code. There is no intention to limit the amount of coins that can be generated.
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